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A Little Book of Profitable Tales

Couverture du livre « A Little Book of Profitable Tales » de Eugene Field aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041818525
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

In A Little Book of Profitable Tales by Eugene Field, enter a world of enchanting stories that entertain and enlighten readers of all ages. This delightful collection features a medley of tales crafted to impart valuable life lessons and timeless wisdom.

Within the pages of this book, readers... Voir plus

In A Little Book of Profitable Tales by Eugene Field, enter a world of enchanting stories that entertain and enlighten readers of all ages. This delightful collection features a medley of tales crafted to impart valuable life lessons and timeless wisdom.

Within the pages of this book, readers will encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique stories and lessons to share. From talking animals to mischievous children, these tales blend humor, imagination, and moral teachings to captivate and inspire.

Eugene Field's masterful storytelling takes readers on a journey through heartfelt narratives that touch upon themes of kindness, honesty, perseverance, and the importance of embracing one's true self. Each story presents a valuable lesson, subtly woven into the fabric of imaginative adventures.

Whether it's the tale of a clever fox outsmarting a boastful lion or a humble woodcutter discovering a hidden treasure, A Little Book of Profitable Tales reminds us of the timeless power of storytelling in imparting wisdom and shaping our values.

With its blend of wit, charm, and insightful messages, this collection invites readers to reflect upon their own lives, relationships, and choices. Each story serves as a gentle reminder that even the smallest actions can yield the most significant rewards.

Immerse yourself in this treasury of profitable tales and allow the stories to transport you to a world where imagination meets enlightenment.

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