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The hidden world ; the remarkable adventures of Tom Scatterhorn

Couverture du livre « The hidden world ; the remarkable adventures of Tom Scatterhorn » de Henry Chancellor aux éditions Oxford Up Elt

The latest Tom Scatterhorn adventure for the first time in paperback Tom is back at the Scatterhorn Museum, but not for long. An unexpected visitor tells Tom that his old enemy, Don Gervase Askary, has taken his parents, so Tom sets off on another adventure in and out of time, to exotic foreign... Voir plus

The latest Tom Scatterhorn adventure for the first time in paperback Tom is back at the Scatterhorn Museum, but not for long. An unexpected visitor tells Tom that his old enemy, Don Gervase Askary, has taken his parents, so Tom sets off on another adventure in and out of time, to exotic foreign lands, and finally into the secret hidden world of Scarazand, stronghold of the terrifying Don Gervase himself . . .

Features Publishing for the first time in paperback, the eagerly-awaited sequel to The Museum's Secret.
Action-packed, fast-paced adventure - a story to get lost in.
Tom Scatterhorn is a hero to identify with - readers will be rooting for him.
Real baddies in Dahl-esque tradition.
Interesting and promotable author.
Further Tom Scatterhorn adventures to come.

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