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Paul Dawalibi

Paul Dawalibi
Paul "The Profit" Dawalibi is a technology entrepreneur, investor, futurist and gamer, with over 20 years of venture capital and startup experience. He is currently the CEO of Holodeck Media - the leading global media company focused exclusively on metaverse, gaming and crypto. This combination o... Voir plus
Paul "The Profit" Dawalibi is a technology entrepreneur, investor, futurist and gamer, with over 20 years of venture capital and startup experience. He is currently the CEO of Holodeck Media - the leading global media company focused exclusively on metaverse, gaming and crypto. This combination of skills and experience allow him to understand and communicate the business opportunity around gaming and metaverse in a unique way. As "The Profit", Paul hosts the largest gaming industry show in the world - the Business of Esports, as well as Game Changers - a groundbreaking new gaming and metaverse business show on CNBC Arabia reaching 50M homes in the Middle East.

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