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Psychiatric profile of the terrorist

Couverture du livre « Psychiatric profile of the terrorist » de Michel-Alexandre Bailly aux éditions Auteurs Du Monde

The terrible attacks of 11 September 2001, brutally brought the world into a 21st century dominated by hyper-terrorism.
Few attempts have been made to understand the psychology of radical revolutionary Islamists, yet the Islamic state has attracted individuals from 120 countries around the... Voir plus

The terrible attacks of 11 September 2001, brutally brought the world into a 21st century dominated by hyper-terrorism.
Few attempts have been made to understand the psychology of radical revolutionary Islamists, yet the Islamic state has attracted individuals from 120 countries around the world. It is the greatest extra-territorial fighting force since the Second World War and the new «foul beast» after Nazism. Billions of dollars are spent around the world on our security, but nothing at all on psychiatric research to determine the intra-psychic personality traits of terrorists. To reduce the number of terrorist acts by 80%, Professor Michel-Alexandre Bailly proposes the idea of etablishing the world's first intrapsychic intelligence service in France. He attempts to define a particular mental disorder, «namely the radical terrorist syndrome», and works for its inclusion in the World Health Organisation (WHO) statistical classification of mental disorders and in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.

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