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Horny Lizards And Headless Chickens

Couverture du livre « Horny Lizards And Headless Chickens » de Francesca Gould aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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HORNY LIZARDS AND HEADLESS CHICKENS is a vile and disgusting compendium of the world's most unpleasant creatures, diseases, hideous tortures and every other type of horrifying, nauseating fact imaginable. Questions posed in the book address revolting matters such as:

* Do flies really puke on... Voir plus

HORNY LIZARDS AND HEADLESS CHICKENS is a vile and disgusting compendium of the world's most unpleasant creatures, diseases, hideous tortures and every other type of horrifying, nauseating fact imaginable. Questions posed in the book address revolting matters such as:

* Do flies really puke on your food?
* Which worm can eat its way through the human eye?
* And how long does a head remain conscious after being guillotined?

In HORNY LIZARDS AND HEADLESS CHICKENS, readers can explore a huge range of horrible subjects, which most books have the good sense to avoid, including Aztec sacrifices, bizarre medical treatments, body snatchers, cannibalism, and eye-wateringly unpleasant execution methods. You are guaranteed a brilliantly sickening read.

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