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Candide 13

Couverture du livre « Candide 13 » de Sowa Axel aux éditions Hatje Cantz

Candide 13 results of a joint effort of scholars, researchers and students who address the theme of "Experimental Architecture and Material Culture" from different perspectives. The issue reports on the outcomes of a transnational cooperation between the RWTH Aachen University (Department of... Voir plus

Candide 13 results of a joint effort of scholars, researchers and students who address the theme of "Experimental Architecture and Material Culture" from different perspectives. The issue reports on the outcomes of a transnational cooperation between the RWTH Aachen University (Department of Architecture) and the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (Department of Architecture and Planning). It gives voice to students and researchers who, traveling in Germany and India, have stored up intercultural experiences of intellectual and human growth. The issue features also scholarly contributions on experimental architecture, design-build procedures, and sustainable construction.

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