Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
Colorful and curious. Experimental and improvisational. Each of Herve Tullet's creations, whether the bestselling children's book PRESS HERE or the internationally traveling Ideal Exhibition, breaks the boundaries of art. Tullet is a renowned author and artist who urges people of any age to create playfully and joyfully. In this deluxe volume-part career-spanning monograph, part artist's manifesto-he shares his origins, his inspirations, and his methods alongside illustrations, sketches, fine art, and photographs of his installations. HERVE TULLET'S ART OF PLAY features commentary from curator Aaron Ott and children's literature expert Leonard S. Marcus. It's sure to become a favorite among parents, teachers, and librarians as well as art lovers and creatives. With this book, as with all his work, Herve Tullet invites you to join him on an exuberant journey of creativity.
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Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
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