Des idées de lecture pour ce début d'année !
The six Arab States of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are all monarchies, but their societies, economies and politics are organised primarily through kinship, in the form of extended families and tribes. No other region in the world consists of states so traditional in their organisation, developing at rates well above global averages, are ultra-modern in many other regards. The book examines the paradox of the persisting importance of family and tribe in the face of modernisation. It evaluates past and present roles of kinship in the GCC states, assesses the impacts of change, and speculates on likely future patterns of social, economic and political organisation. Contributors include Shaikha Hind bint Salman al-Khlifa, Salwa al-Khateeb, Fred H. Lawson, Mandana Limbert, James Onley, J. E. Peterson, Jean-Fracois Seznec and Ali al-Tarrah.
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Des idées de lecture pour ce début d'année !
Si certaines sont impressionnantes et effrayantes, d'autres sont drôles et rassurantes !
A gagner : la BD jeunesse adaptée du classique de Mary Shelley !
Caraïbes, 1492. "Ce sont ceux qui ont posé le pied sur ces terres qui ont amené la barbarie, la torture, la cruauté, la destruction des lieux, la mort..."