A gagner : des exemplaires de cette BD jeunesse sur fond de légendes celtiques !
"Threatened by fanatics, censored by cowards, freethinkers on all continents continue to fight on all fronts to ensure the survival of an enlightened world. And the right to commit blasphemy plays a central role in their struggle." Caroline Fourest In the overwhelming emotional aftermath of the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Caroline Fourest reaches those who refused to "be Charlie" in the name of "responsibility", or concerns about "offending" or being seen as "islamophobic". In this ruthless and pedagogical analysis, Caroline Fourest looks into debates on freedom of speech. She also warns us about the risks associated with the globalization of bullying. She puts into perspective the breaking point between French secularism and Anglo-Saxon relativism, between the right to commit blasphemy and the calls for hatred, between Charlie and Dieudonné, and between laughing about terrorism and laughing with terrorists.
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A gagner : des exemplaires de cette BD jeunesse sur fond de légendes celtiques !
L'autrice coréenne nous raconte l'histoire de son pays à travers l’opposition et l’attirance de deux jeunes adolescents que tout oppose
Mêlant la folie à l’amour, l’auteur nous offre le portrait saisissant d’une « femme étrange » bousculant les normes binaires de l’identité sexuelle
Dans ce recueil de 13 nouvelles, la jeune autrice mexicaine frappe fort mais juste